Digital & Data

For our colleagues who enable faster data-driven decision making

We are streamlining and modernising processes across the Digital team to minimise administrative tasks, standardise regulatory compliance, and drive greater speed and efficiency.

To support our efforts in 2023 we ran a survey of 2,500 end users of our Digital processes – those inputting data and those using it – to garner a broad perspective on how they could be simplified. Feedback included automating certain steps and deleting others altogether, while adapting processes to reflect an agile working model – and we have made significant changes in response.

Previously, the Digital team ran three separate processes in parallel when developing products: project management, change management and release management. This involved submitting a lot of the same data several times over. Today, we run a single ‘End-to-End Delivery’ process – reducing associated administrative activity by 40%, cutting complexity and enabling project managers and software developers to focus on innovation.

At a more granular level, we have also introduced a single monitoring functionality known as ‘Digital End-to-End Execution Monitoring’. This replaces several different processes for monitoring the time teams are devoting to different projects, how tasks are being in- or outsourced, project progress, and financial investment.

Again, this is significantly reducing the workload for project managers – while enabling senior management to quickly review how resources are being deployed and how work is progressing on all fronts. This provides high-quality, standardised information to top management, enabling them to make well-informed,  data-driven decisions.

For simplification to remain effective it must be a continuous process of review and optimisation. We will continue streamlining and refining to ensure the right data flows through our systems as efficiently as possible, driving better and faster results for our colleagues, our clients and the whole Group.


reduction in administrative activity

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