Digital & Data

Caring is one of our three core values – and that means providing an inclusive Digital experience for everyone. In 2023 we have been working hard to increase the accessibility of our Digital touchpoints, with a view to embedding the necessary features and technical specifications to break down barriers to our services wherever they exist.

As part of this, we have also developed an online training course on Digital Accessibility, designed to introduce colleagues to the importance of designing and developing products and services that are accessible to all users. Colleagues can learn about common disabilities that can change the way users interact with apps and websites, as well as how to ensure their experience is smooth.

Accessibility matters to us because it reflects our commitment to our client and colleagues. It is about fostering inclusion within our company culture. We believe everyone should have equal access to digital solutions – and, by catering to the needs of people with disabilities, we embrace diversity in the workplace, fostering empathy and collaboration.

Our colleagues who enable faster data-driven decision making

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Embracing and fostering diversity within our Digital team

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