People P46 (1)

Our Talent Development Lab leads training sessions for thousands of colleagues

People & Culture

Personalised training for individual talents

We want every colleague to feel that they are an active part of both their own professional development and the cultural transformation of the Bank – founded on our Values of Integrity, Ownership and Caring. In Italy, the concept of Talento Diffuso (Distributed Talent) aims to identify the specific and unique talents of each individual and put them at the service of the organisation. 

More than 8,000 colleagues have joined the initiative by completing an online questionnaire to discover their unique and distinctive characteristics, mapped against our Values – as result 2,200 colleagues have taken part in personalised training sessions, led by our Talent Development Lab. 

From these personalised sessions, around 1,000 best practices have been mapped – as suggested by those who took part and described how our Values are lived out in daily life. And, from this, 24 initiatives were selected – with those who submitted the ideas invited to a one-day dynamic and interactive ‘hack storm’ training session led by innovation and communication experts.

Ilaria Dalla Riva

We all have at least one talent that must be identified and trained to fully express ourselves. For me, talent is that trait that makes you unique. And talent differentiation can emerge only with constant training.”

Ilaria Dalla Riva

Head of Administrative Office

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