Digital & Data

Enhancing our Digital services for corporate clients in Bulgaria. We continue to evolve our Digital services for our corporate clients. One example comes from Bulbank in Bulgaria, where we updated and enhanced one of our most popular functionalities in 2023.

In 2022 we launched a new service that allowed clients to compare their company performance with benchmark indicators, industry competitors and those in other industries. This technology gave them competitor information, helped them find relevant vendors and partners, and supported them to gain a better understanding of their industry and market. 

After extremely positive feedback, in 2023 we launched a new phase of this project to further develop and enhance the service: analysis of point of sale (POS) transactions. Our clients can now track the dynamics in number of transactions, payments by hour and behaviour of cardholders using Bulbank POS terminals in merchant locations.

Major clients including Ozone Entertainment – owner of the online brands, and, the physical stores Ozone Live and Ozone Games, and the publishing house Artline Studios – and Keten Ltd. – manufacturer, distributor and marketer of kitchenware and electrical appliances – are using our Digital products to grow their businesses internationally.

Our Digital developments in Bulgaria were also recognised by Euromoney, which named us Best Bank for Digital Solutions for our efforts to offer the best possible customer experience.

In July 2022, we launched a new functionality, embedded in the Digital products menu in Bulbank Online – a digital financial analysis of the companies. Our corporate clients can now compare their company performance with benchmark indicators and with other participants on the market in their industry or in other industries. They can obtain relevant information for their competitors, find relevant vendors and partners, as well as gain a better understanding of the environment. Having an extremely positive feedback from the market, we are further developing and enhancing this service. We are focused on perfecting customer experience and differentiating even further from the traditional banking and from the other players on the market. We aim to maintain a strong brand for all our stakeholders and further empower our customers to grow.”

Borislav Bangeev

Head of Corporate Banking at UniCredit Bulbank

We are growing a highly dynamic online business that requires continuous monitoring and analysis of the challenges in a highly competitive market. It is important for us to have data to easily and quickly assess our performance and the profitability of our partners to make the right business decisions. We recognise Bulbank Online as a virtual ecosystem that, in addition to supporting our day-to-day banking, saves resources on external research for the market and for market participants, adding high value to our corporate needs. In this regard, the Digital Products menu is a unique tool for obtaining data for analysis at sector and company level. We look forward to each new functionality that UniCredit Bulbank implements and are always among its first users.”

Dimitar Nitzov

Chief Financial Officer of Ozone Entertainment

The Digital Products menu in Bulbank Online is extremely useful for our business and we are following with interest how it has developed from idea to implementation, because the Bank included us in the pilot group of test corporate customers. We are using the Industry Analysis menu with aggregated data and interactive presentation of metrics to evaluate the performance of companies. We appreciate that UniCredit Bulbank took our recommendation into account and thus covered our needs more fully – adding functionality to select companies by UIC for more accurate analysis of competitors in the sector. We are also successfully analysing other sectors in which we have an interest for investment and development of business opportunities. We also identify suitable and reliable suppliers and customers, assessing their financial standing and potential for partnership.”

Zorka Petkova

Manager of Keten Ltd.

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