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Continuing to award our long-running Social Prize in Austria


To continue our commitment to our Purpose of Empowering Communities to Progress, Bank Austria awarded its Social Prize in 2023 for the 14th time. 

In each of Austria’s nine federal states, €10,000 is distributed among three charitable initiatives. First place receives €6,000, second receives €3,000 and third receives €1,000 – as voted for by the general public.

In total, 26 projects were supported with €90,000. The winning project in Vienna, for example, was the NF Kinder Expertisezentrum – a special outpatient clinic dedicated to helping people affected by the rare and still incurable disease neurofibromatosis. In Austria there are about 4,000 people with neurofibromatosis, including around 800 children, who receive specialised and competent medical and psychosocial care.

This year we are again supporting a total of 26 selected charitable projects, associations and initiatives throughout Austria with the Bank Austria Social Prize. This social commitment contributes to a positive social climate, and with the Social Prize we also want to make a visible contribution to further promoting and supporting local charitable work. After all, social commitment is particularly important in difficult times. The number and quality of this year's entries was once again very impressive and clearly shows the diversity of social activities in Austria, which we want to highlight with this award."

Robert Zadrazil

CEO of UniCredit Bank Austria

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