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A wealth of initiatives to support financial literacy for young people


Helping young people understand money 

Our financial education initiatives in Austria make it easier for young people to understand and deal with money, making good on our Purpose of Empowering Communities to Progress.

Bank Austria runs workshops aimed at vulnerable young people from different social backgrounds, covering topics such as personal budgeting, money traps on the internet and gambling. We go to them – whether that’s at the football field or at a learning café – so they do not need to come to us. And the teaching methods employed vary depending on participants’ ages and language abilities, for example – so no two workshops are ever the same. 

In addition, almost 2,000 pupils and apprentices took part in our Money Matters online learning platform in 2023. Money Matters consists of 12 modules helping build financial literacy through a mix of videos, quizzes and animations – with a certificate awarded upon completion.

Bank Austria also runs an annual Next Generation competition to provide dedicated support to young entrepreneurs. Around 2,500 students take part in Austria’s largest business plan competition, developing their ideas and presenting their business plans.

And, for financial knowledge in your pocket, Bank Austria’s GeldWissen2go app provides young people with vital information presented in entertaining ways. The app offers a money diary and budget planner, tips and tricks on fake internet shops, information about salaries, driving licences and property rentals, and more.

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