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High demand for our second Green Covered Bond


Sustainability is central to our corporate strategy and therefore always an important consideration in product development – and during 2023 our Austrian team played its part in enabling the move to a decarbonised economy with the launch of its second Green Covered Bond. 

Following on the first green bond in 2022, this second issue has a volume of €750 million, a maturity of 6.6 years and a clear objective to channel funds into promising, climate-friendly industries, activities and initiatives. Demand was high, with the order book reaching a total of more than €1 billion – and thus oversubscribed by around €300 million.

Bond proceeds are used for the financing or refinancing of green buildings that are registered in UniCredit Bank Austria’s mortgage cover pool and comply with the eligibility criteria set out in UniCredit’s Sustainability Bond Framework.

Robert Zadrazil

By issuing this Green Covered Bond, we are again sending a clear signal of how central sustainability is to our corporate strategy. The commitment to the energy transition and sustainable business practices is bringing about a fundamental change in society and influencing every single area of our lives. As a bank, we have a central role to play in the transformation towards a decarbonised economy. Channelling the flow of funds into promising, climate-friendly industries, activities and initiatives is – and will be – the central joint challenge of the entire economy."

Robert Zadrazil

CEO of UniCredit Bank Austria

The issue of UniCredit Bank Austria's second green bond, this time in the amount of €750 million, was another success on the international capital market. We are very pleased about the demand, this issue shows how much international investors are convinced of UniCredit Bank Austria's sustainable course and how high the continuing interest in sustainable financial products is.”

Philipp Gamauf

CFO of UniCredit Bank Austria

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