Focus Area

Simplification and streamlining

Two professionals looking at a laptop, engaged in discussion

A new way of working in a leaner and more efficient organisation, with decisions closer to the clients. Simplifying and harmonising processes to deliver a seamless experience and focus our people on what creates value.

Our progress this year

At UniCredit, we continuously rethink our organisation, questioning every process, operation and capability to ensure we are focused on what truly adds value for both our clients and the Bank.

2024 was a year of significant achievements – we accelerated our simplification and streamlined initiatives, reducing layers between us and our clients and creating a leaner organisational structure for faster and more efficient delivery.

We reviewed numerous key processes also leveraging technology and AI to automate and reduce complexity, improving our ways of working while enhancing the most impactful steps, driving greater efficiency and value.


Reduction in organisational structures


c. -50% holding.

Simplification proposals


c.50% in implementation across 10 countries.

AI uses cases


Fewer layers to the client


(4 from 9).

Apps decommissioned



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